About WANA Congress
The Royan Institute, affiliated with the Academic Center for Education, Culture, and Research (ACECR) of the Islamic Republic of Iran, was founded by the late Dr. Saead Kazemi Ashtiani. The Royan Twin Congress was initiated by Dr. Kazemi and his colleagues to foster a strong consensus among scientists worldwide and to provide a platform for active engagement in sharing and exchanging scientific knowledge and experiences with leading academic institutions, universities, and prominent researchers.
Given that the Royan Annual International Twin Congress has so far been able to establish a good bridge for the exchange of the latest achievements in the fields of Stem Cell Biology & Technology and Reproductive Biomedicine, the WANA Congress (West Asia & North Africa) was established by the WANA Scientific Network (WSN) as a subsidiary of the Royan Twin Congress. This congress, encompassing the WANA region (approximately 25 countries), was founded under multilateral scientific collaboration to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and perspectives and aims to direct scientific innovations and advanced discoveries toward enhancing human health and well-being. It serves as a valuable platform for scientific interactions, the presentation of novel achievements, and the practical application of biosciences and biotechnology.
4th WANA Congress
The 4th WANA Congress will be held on 3-4 May, Kish Island, I.R. Iran
Kish International Conference Center, Ferdowsi Street, Sahel Square, Kish Island
Kish Island
For information about the Kish Island and tourist areas Click here.
For frequently asked questions and answers about the congress Click here.
Organizing Secretariat
WANA Scientific Network Central Office
No. 13, Royan Alley, East Hafez St., Banihashem St., Shahid Soleimani HWY (Resalat), Tehran, Iran.
WhatsApp: 00989124715172
Email: info@wanascientificnetwork.com