Considering the emergence of new phenomena such as “The World Village”, “Globalization”, and “The World Wide Web”, the demand for getting the business, industrial, and scientific entities much closer together turned mandatory for all bodies of such essences to get their survival running. Based on the mission and vision of Royan Deputy of Education focusing on this statement saying: “Learning is a never-ending story” and the core idea of the creation of Royan International Education Center (RIEC) and Royan Global Education Network (Royan GENE) which falls on the fact stating “Education with no border”, and also following the annual Royan International Twin Congress which has been held successfully so far, establishing a fruitful bridge for the exchange of information and the latest achievements in the fields of Stem Cell Biology & Technology and Reproductive Biomedicine among countries throughout the region and developed ones indeed, WANA International Congress has come into existence with its main ambitious and long-term goals in the realm of Reproductive Biomedicine, Stem Cells Biology and Technology, and Animal Biotechnology as the sub-directory of Royan International Twin Congress. The scope and quality of the scientific exchange for the first event have evolved to address the “Clinical Achievements, Recent Approaches and Main Challenges in Reproduction and Infertility Treatment” that turned this congress into a particularly prominent scientific event in the West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region called 1st International WANA Congress.

Through this congress, we have also decided to provide a distinctive opportunity for Muslim specialists, students, and young scientists of the Islamic world, especially through WANA countries to participate and gather in the WANA Scientific Network (WSN).

On these grounds, the purpose of the WANA Scientific Network (WSN) is to provide a powerful scientific atmosphere for setting up mutual educational events and sharing basic studies and clinical research and trials.