Royan GENE

Considering the main essence of Royan Deputy of Education and Royan Global Education Network (Royan GENE), stating “Education with no border", we honorably introduce two of our networks through which a wide range of researchers and students can benefit, Hall of Fame & Dialogue with Fame.

WANA Congress

Given that the Royan Annual International Twin Congress has so far been able to establish a good bridge for the exchange of the latest achievements in the fields of Stem Cell Biology & Technology and Reproductive Biomedicine worldwide, the WANA International Congress has come into existence.


The Edu-Tourism program is one of the integrated programs of education and tourism that has lately been launched by the Royan Institute. These courses are held at two national and international levels. Courses are specifically designed for students interested in research and laboratory activities.

International Partners

It is our great honor to declare that WANA Scientific Network enjoys a chain of reputable scientists, researchers, and university professors as its international partners who play crucial roles in enriching network in its content and toward seizing its goals already set.

About Us

WANA Scientific Network (WSN), which means West Asia & North Africa Scientific Network, refers to the countries in this area and was launched in June 2022. The essence and beliefs of creating Royan Global Education Network focus on bringing all scientific activities and research of multilateral interests under one umbrella so that all those interested in various fields of activities can enjoy the benefits and seize the opportunities coming along with its activities and programs.
Since 1994 and parallel with other specialized clinical and research-based activities, Royan Institute has been actively engaged in training activities to enhance and meet the scientific level and requirements of researchers, transferring state-of-the-art experiences and knowledge to both Iranian and International researchers and those who are interested in such realms of sciences through providing the training opportunities in terms of academic and non-academic courses around the world:

Education with No Border

Considering the emergence of new phenomena such as “The World Village”, “Globalization”, and “The World Wide Web”, the demand for getting the business, industrial, and scientific entities much closer together turned mandatory for all bodies of such essences to get their survival running.
mission and vision of Royan Deputy of Education focusing on this statement saying: “Learning is a never-ending story” and the core idea of the creation of Royan International Education Center (RIEC) and Royan Global Education Network (Royan GENE) which falls on the fact stating “Education with no border”, and also following the annual Royan International Twin Congress which has been held successfully so far, establishing a fruitful bridge for the exchange of information and the latest achievements in the fields of Stem Cell Biology & Technology and Reproductive Biomedicine among countries throughout the region and developed ones indeed, WANA International Congress has come into existence with its main ambitious and long-term goals in the realm of Reproductive Biomedicine, Stem Cells Biology and Technology, and Animal Biotechnology as the sub-directory of Royan International Twin Congress.

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Toward Global Prosperity Under WANA Umbrella

Royan Jihad Academic Research Institute, in line with its international activities, has aimed to increase its relationship with Islamic and neighboring countries, especially the West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region, so that in addition to interacting with the scientific community, it can play an effective role in the scientific development and growth of students, researchers and experts of this region. Another goal of forming this scientific network is to introduce the scientific potential of Iran and other countries in the WANA region to attract international scholars and create motivation and desire for them to travel to these countries and transfer scientific experiences to them through establishing an effective relationship with the scientific centers of these countries. It is hoped that this will make researchers and scientists in this field more familiar with the scientific achievements of our country.
Following the scientific policies of the country, through creating a scientific network of WANA with a global approach, the Royan Institute can establish and consolidate its scientific position, especially in the fields of reproductive medicine, biotechnology and stem cells, and regenerative medicine. By creating convergence and synergy in joint educational, research, and clinical programs in the countries of the WANA region, this network intends to strengthen the science of the countries of this strategic region, which has a rich cultural, historical, and scientific background. By creating effective scientific communication and designing and planning joint scientific programs between the prominent scientific centers of WANA countries, this association can try to make this region known as a "scientific pole" according to the historical and religious dignity of this strategic region of the world, a region where all the countries are Islamic and in recent decades have not progressed according to their potential and knowledge due to domestic and international challenges.

Contact Us


No. 13, Royan Alley, East Hafez St., Banihashem St., Shahid Soleimani HWY (Resalat), Tehran, Iran.


Office: +98 21 23562373 - +98 21 23562756
Fax: +98 21 23562178
Cell: +98 9910479010